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public conveniences

Public conveniences, toilets

Near the telephone booths, Place Jeanne d’Arc, and behind the Palais de Justice N.W. corner, cost 30 cents / 40 cents. Cafés, bars, brasseries, restaurants, large supermarkets, and multiple stores, for free ! Antiquity and cleanliness vary, but the price is right, with no obligation to drink, it's the law !
"Turkish" toilets still exist, (no recent inventory available).

"May I use your toilet, please ? Je peux me servir de vos toilettes, s’il vous plaît ? >szchuh puh muh sehrveerh duh voh twallett seel voo pleh ?<


Refuse, waste

Receptacles for waste paper are provided throughout town. Large green containers for glass, plastic and paper for recycling are located strategically on the outskirts of town. Trash is collected every day except Sunday in town and three days per week in suburban areas. Streets in town are hosed down each morning before 7 am.



When introduced., a slight nod, a smile, a firm handshake and a distinct : "Monsieur" >muhseeuh<... "Madame" generally does the trick. French people shake hands more readily and more often than do "anglo-saxons" ! Be prepared, and do not be fooled by the "bise" >beez< , kiss on both cheeks, sometimes inflicted more than once on each.
This is for relatives, colleagues whom you can stand, old acquaintances of either sex, and children. A safe policy, pending your burgeoning fluency, suggests you shake the hand, and restrict your conversation: très heureux >trhehzuhruh< if you are male, très heureuse >trhezuhruhz<, if female. Say no more, but listen hard !



Tipping, though not obligatory, is still customary in cafés, restaurants, taxis, and for guides, ushers in cinemas and theatres, and, in some cases, concerts. Also in hotels where the same waiter or chambermaid has rendered good, faithful, and cheerful service.
In most of the cases cited above, this is small change, from 5 % to 10 %.
In classy restaurants, where one eats "à la carte" 15 % - 20 % is not considered overgenerous !



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